Holy Orders

Through this Sacrament, Jesus continues to give His authority and power to the successors of the Apostles (Bishops), those that work with them (Priests) and those that serve with them (Deacons). All Christians, by virtue of their baptism, share in the common priesthood, by which they are called to offer their lives as a living sacrifice to God. In the Sacrament of Holy Orders, a man is given a unique share of the priesthood of Christ in order to serve the Church through teaching, celebrating the Sacraments, and leading a flock. Through Holy Orders, a man can be ordained a priest, deacon, or bishop. Men called to Holy Orders are given this Sacrament so that they can serve the Church in the Person of Christ Himself, making Jesus present in the Sacraments.

“Holy Orders is the sacrament through which the mission entrusted by Christ to his apostles continues to be exercised in the Church until the end of time: thus it is the sacrament of apostolic ministry. It includes three degrees: episcopate, presbyterate, and diaconate.”
Catechism of the Catholic Church #1536

How is God calling You?

God has a call, also known as a vocation, for each of us. Most are called to the vocation of marriage, where we give ourselves to a spouse for life in order to get them, ourselves, and (God willing) our children to Heaven. God also calls some men to be religious brothers or priests and some women to be religious sisters. These are beautiful vocations where men and women give their lives to serve the family of the Church. If you or someone you know is considering a priestly or religious vocation, call the parish office at 330-275-3661 to have them set up an appointment to talk with the priest.

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